Mobile PoS
Imagine having to acess multiple websites to be able to convert data into information.

What can we do ? We can bring into existence a software based robot that will -

- Open Websites
- Look for data that you want
- Use it to fetch other data from other website
- Perform any Mathematical Computation , or Formatting or any other manipulation
...and present it to you as Information

Best part is - It has a very low footprint and we will not ask you to download any heavy 3rd party software
It is just like a friend who does the work for you, just as you wanted to.
We call it AutoMate ® Interested ?
Scan, Add text and Press Go ! these are the actions that form the framework of the product. The product is designed to fulfill the needs of a Purchasing Till but On-the-go . It can be used in many ecosystem including - Mobile Sales, Engineering, Consumer Sales and many more

Our product captures data that provides real-time information on -
  • Location
  • Scanned object: Imagine it could trigger inventory count, attendance, knowledge base or milestone
  • Time and Duration
  • Cost
  • Many other

The product will enable you to do more when you are on the move. Or lets say, it will enable you to extend your office while you are mobile. We not only provide the product, but we also offer services to suggest how the product could make sense in your business-structure! Mobility is around us, enable yourself ! ® Interested ?